Words are not going to be able to do my feelings justice on this concept shoot I collaborated on with some very, very dear friends last summer in Kansas. First of all, these beautiful young ladies are the three daughters of my talented photographer friend, Carol. While I have “known” them online for years, this was the first time getting to meet them in person and you are simply not going to find a more confident, self-aware, kind, friendly, polite, smart, creative trio of sisters anywhere. Not only were our models gorgeous, the styling and setting were breathtaking! I couldn’t believe the magic contained in my sweet friend Janie Jones Photography’s place! To be able to peek inside her non-stop, creative mind, how she puts seemingly incongruous pieces together so artfully…it really is quite an incredible thing to witness. I absolutely loved going back through these images, reliving the memories and the sights and smells and feels from that afternoon and that trip as a whole. I love you, my Beans! [Another fav HERE].