So, I had to drive out to Houston tonight to be with my baby sister. Looks like she (and the babies) will have to have the surgery tomorrow. The next several days (weeks) are going to be such a test of patience and will. I pray that these doctors will perform with exceptional skill and love tomorrow.

I have no idea when I will be back in town and I will do my best to get in touch with everyone I need to as soon as I can. Thank you in advance for your patience and understanding and prayers.

From my sister’s page:

“Asking for prayers…today’s ultrasound showed the TTTS is progressing and the need for surgery is upon us. The babies and I will undergo a fetalscopic laser ablation procedure tomorrow morning. There is a lot of study supporting the success of this procedure, however there is a laundry list of complications and risks. I beg each of you from the bottom of my heart to please say a prayer for all of us. As the mom, I fear for my sweet babies’ lives but I have to stay positive and I know and trust in the goodness and mercy of our God. Thank you to everyone for your constant support and love. It has sure helped us to get through these last few weeks and get to a much more ideal position to undergo this procedure.”