newblog.jpgWelcome to the new Pinkle Toes Photography blog and website all in one…it’s a blogsite! Be sure to update your Google Reader with this link
( and sign up to get updates from
here NOW!

Can you believe I’ve been sitting on this way cool blog design for more than 5 months now?! I can’t. I’m so mad I haven’t put it to good use sooner because it’s going to make blogging your sessions so much faster. And let’s face it, I’ve needed to update my galleries forever now.

To celebrate the fact that I *finally* sat down to put this all together, let’s have a little contest. Below you will find a link to 10 questions…the answers to which you will need to find only by exploring this blogsite. If you get them all correct, you’ll be entered to win your choice of a $350 gift certificate good towards your next 2010 Premium Session OR I will donate $100 to a charity of your choice. Deadline to enter is Monday, March 22nd, 2010!

Click HERE for the questions. They’re multiple choice! Happy hunting and good luck!

Rules: One entry per person and all answers must be correct in order to qualify for the drawing. Once submitted, entries are final and you cannot make changes. Entries will be accepted through midnight Central time on Monday 3.22.10. Winner will be drawn at random and announced 3.23.10. Gift certificate is good for a 2010 Premium Session in Austin, TX only. No purchase necessary to win.