My middle child just yelled down the stairs. I think he really meant it, for this is what I found:

foundation_austin_child_photographer.jpgThe secret to a happy childhood is indeed a solid foundation. Don’t hate me because I’m such a wonderful parent. You could learn a lot from me. You’re welcome.

  • That is hysterical. We have all been there. Mine was Destin… EVERYWHERE!

  • OMGoodness! HaHa!! Hey, at least she knew where it was supposed to go! 🙂

  • michelle Frerichs

    Now that I’ve stopped laughing for a minute…OK, in Amry’s defense…she did a pretty darn good job applying that foundation! Looks like she has been studying someone. 😉 And really, besides the initial shock of it being on her adorable dress and the mess to clean up, how you can be mad at that adorable little face. lol…

  • My browser is a tad slow, so all I could see at first was Amry’s left eye. OMG, does she have Daddy’s eyes! At least she didn’t get into long-wearing red lipstick…

  • I guess she at least got it where is is mainly supposed to go, her face 🙂 Did she have any help from her brothers? 🙂

  • My daughter used to take my mineral makeup and dump it all over the bathroom. She’d make a HUGE mess (and waste like $50). Oh I don’t miss those days.. but in some ways, I do. 🙂

  • She did do surprisingly well at the application! Every child needs a token makeup incident 🙂

  • Been there done that! Flour, lip stick, cereal, vaseline (try cleaning THAT out of hair) I am a very attentive mother, can’t you tell?? LOL!

  • I love this. You may have a future makeup artist on your hands. I have only one question. What in the world was she doing to your poor sunglasses?!

  • Ohhhhh dear….I just LOVE that you did a photoshoot anyways! Beautiful!

  • OMG…Hysterical!! Now that I’ve stopped laughing… She did an awesome job at that application! She looks sooo much like you in these pics too!

  • Oh My Word! I looked at the pics first. Said “Huh” and then decided to start at the beginning…I have always cherished my clothes and makeup and accessories…I am on the brink of losing them too unless I get smart and move them. Poor Michele…at least it was only the foundation and not some fancy perfume that was irreplaceable 🙂

  • Mine was cinnamon, he was allergic and only wearing a diaper. Waaay too cute that girly of yours

  • OMG is that too cute! What a big girl she is lol

  • OMG! That’s TOTALLY my Mia, except with lipstick. Everyday she gets into that and lotion and leaves a slick spot on the floor. Whenever we go to walk out the door, she says, “Oh, no!! My lips!!” if she’s not wearing lip gloss. Diva!!! I think our two girls would get along great! Combo session? 😉

  • Hahahahahaha…. gave me a good laugh. I’m sure you’ll have as much fun cleaning that as I did with Kai and the Vaseline 🙂

  • I’m so glad I’m not the only photog/mom who grabs the camera when my kid is doing something messy instead of first rushing to clean it all up 🙂

  • Oh, that’s hilarious! Personally, I think she should have gone with a shade lighter 🙂

  • Why didn’t you call me? I totally have something that might work to get it out! The cleanser i use on my foundation sponges got foundation out of a bride’s silk dress once. Bring the dress to me next time I see you and I’ll try it!

  • See, this is exactly what I would look like if I tried to wear foundation. Well, not exactly. I wouldn’t have the saving grace of looking incredibly sweet. But I’m pretty sure I would get a good squirt of the stuff down my front 🙂

  • Totally thought of this as I woke up this morning to my all-white bedding colored in my lipsitck and Ava (who is 17months) greeting me with it all over her face….