
Let’s travel back in time to a few years ago…when Mr. Man became “Husband of the Year 2010” with his Mother’s Day surprise to his wife. (I imagine I’ll *still* be talking about that years from now, btw ;-). When we had that photo session, they were a family of three and they lived in a completely different city. Fast forward a few years…mom is now a photographer herself and I even had the privilege of spending a couple of days with her sans kiddos at one of my professional photographer workshops earlier this year. My time with them in Dallas a few weeks ago just wrapped it all up for me in a pretty little bow. They now have a daughter and a new home in a new city and they are rocking parenthood like champs. I stayed waaaaay too long at this session, LOL, but it was only because we were having such a lovely time. Mom and Dad can DANCE and we cranked up the music so they could show off their moves. Baby boy still LOVES to read just as much as he did when I first met him, and little miss is just too sassy for words.

The last image there was a special repeat request from mom. We spent some time photographing big brother and the fam at the dining table when he was an only child and got some of my most favorite images from that session. I’m thrilled we revisited the table setting to document the changes!

[P.S. shared a sneak of her proof box HERE. I’m a little sad to let it go ;-(.]