Mar 22, 2010

Royals1.jpgToday, I became *that* mom. I literally cried when they put on their uniforms. I was so proud. It’s just T-ball, I know, but they just looked so precious out there in the field. And wow. I had no idea how *funny* it could be to watch these little guys (and gals) play. They try so very hard and they’re just so darned cute!

royals.jpgIt was such an honor to get to be there (sadly, I had to miss my first
real rehearsal for choir, but I just couldn’t give up their *first*
game) and I loved that their daddy jumped right in to help out. Boys…I
couldn’t be prouder of you guys!

  • Isn’t it an AWESOME feeling! I feel like my kids JUST played Tball and it’s been a few years! Don’t you love how they pick their fav bat normally based on color nothing else! Welcome to the days of being *that* mom!

  • Yay…you are officially a baseball mom!!!! They look adorable:)

  • GO ROYALS!! That’s my hometown pro team so I have a special place in my heart for the boys in blue 🙂 How exciting to see your kdis play! I can’t wait for that day with my own son.

  • omg could these pics BE any cuter?!?! i am super excited for when caden is old enough to play sports, fingers crossed he likes them 🙂

  • Ahhh!! I love these SO much. My son is starting t-ball and I can’t wait to captures some images like these. So fabulous!

  • I lUv it!! I’m that ” Mom” too only I yell and coach on the side..

  • I’m just happy that kids in TX are playing baseball… coming from CA it’s all I played. I was worried that all there was around here is football. Fun photos!

  • Ack! They are so stinkin cute! Being a baseball player, I know my husband will be encouring our little girl to do Tball! And I know I will cry too 🙂 Its just what moms do :). Be proud of being “that” mom! They are lucky to have you :).

  • i just blogged MY 4yr old son’s first Tball games too! so fun, and funny, right:)