May 31, 2010


Our .emme. boudoir photography event in Austin this weekend was simply amazing! I think Michelle and I may have been more nervous than our actual subjects going into it ;-). It was a LOT of work, but I can tell you we were very moved by the openness and honesty of each woman that stepped in front of the camera. I know it takes a great deal of courage to do something like this and we were very honored that you trusted us to show you just how beautiful you are, inside and out.  (More sneaks from this weekend are on our Facebook page. To view the rest of our portfolio, you can visit our website.)

While I had toyed with the idea of having a session done myself, I quickly talked myself right out of it. The verbal “scars” from childhood and teenage years are not easily suppressed and when you add that to the “scars” from childbearing…well, it’s hard to imagine that your body can every be seen as beautiful. But as I watched these women from all backgrounds and of all shapes and sizes find their own confidence with each picture we took, their bravery inspired me. If they can do it, then I should be able to do this, too. I needed to practice what I’ve been preaching.

So I did it. And it was fun. And Michelle was phenomenal. And Katie’s make up was flawless. (That’s me up there on the right).

At first, my mind was racing:
Wow, this is a lot tougher than I thought it would be.
THIS is what everyone else was going through?
Am I doing this right?
Ooof, my butt is so big!
Oh, I hope my flabby tummy isn’t hanging out too much.
Wait a sec…my tummy is flabby because I carried THREE babies in it!

Then I calmed down a little:
At least my make up looks good.
I kinda like my hair like this.
Oh, good song!

Hmmm, I don’t feel like I look as bad as I thought I would.
Michelle is doing a great job.
It’s actually pretty fun on this side of the camera, too.

And finally, I found my motivation:
I really, really, really love my husband.
And, wow, he loves me, in spite of my mommyhood batttle scars.
I am so glad I did this.
For both of us.

I flipped through the pictures again tonight. I think Michelle did an incredible job. I can’t wait to surprise my hubby. But first, we have to help our other .emme. beauties with their own surprises.

Our next event is June 27th & 28th in Los Angeles, California. You won’t even believe the hotel Michelle found for these!!! I am SO excited, plus, this is my FIRST trip to California! If you’ve been thinking about doing it, don’t miss out. [FYI, this is more than likely our LAST Duality event until 2011–we looked at our calendars, but we’re just so busy for the rest of the year, I just don’t see how we can squeeze another one in. You’re certainly welcome to schedule an individual appointment with either Michelle in Orange County or myself locally in Austin, but you’d be responsible for the location and make up.]

Thank you again to all of the women that took the risk this weekend. Couldn’t have been a more beautiful group! And thank you to Michelle and Katie…I had a blast hanging out with you both.

  • Oh Michele, you are beautiful inside and out, and so are all the other previews! Well done for doing this. I had a little tear in my eye reading through your thoughts!

  • Thanks for everything! Can’t wait to see the rest. I can totally agree with you on why in the world would I EVER do this. My body is far from perfect from childbirth to surgery, but you, Michelle and Katie made this experience incredible! I would do it all over again!

  • Michele…THANK YOU…THANK YOU!!!! I truly had the time of my life!!!! YOu were amazing in front of the camera…did I mention how nervous I was??? VERY!!!!!! I have to say the whole experience was phenomenal …but the highlight was meeting your beautiful family…they completely warmed my heart! lots of love my friend!!!

  • Your thoughts mirror what I would have been thinking! 2011 girl… that will be my year to do it!

  • M – just gorgeous! You look fab.

  • Two words: BRAVE & GORGEOUS! I stop at .emme. boud.. So you go girl! But… something about these images just make me gasp. Perfection!