First of all, reality check here in realizing I’ve been working with this sweet girl since she was a baby. And in seeing her again during this photo session, I got to bathe in her vibrant, exuberant, loving, cheerful, sassy personality…and she reminded me SOOOOOO much of my own daughter. Strength and confidence and the unapologetic beauty that comes with them.

I know we (I) tend to get hung up on trying to figure out the perfect photo session location, but the truth is, as long as you’re with the people you love and you’re being your authentic selves, any location can be the perfect location. We were actually planning to meet elsewhere for this photo session, but I happened to take a wrong turn during one of my runs in downtown Austin and this alleyway took my breath away. Who would have ever thought?? But honestly, we could have done all of our photos next to dumpsters and the light and love of this family would still shine through. In fact, here’s my favorite image from the session…photographed in a literal mud puddle.

Reeling from tragedy after tragedy in recent months and days, it is sometimes difficult to find reasons to smile. I am so grateful that I get to be surrounded by and photograph the simplest and purest joys–my clients and of course, my family, help remind me that wonderful things do still exist in this world. There is still beauty. There is still LOVE.