Apr 06, 2012
When mama completed her client questionnaire, she was quite detailed and had tons of ideas for her session. I like that. It gives me something to work with. We always have the understanding that’s it’s most likely we’ll only get to one or two, but I think she and I were both surprised we checked pretty much everything off her list…and then some.
First on the list: “Welcome to Austin”

Next up: snuggles, togetherness, and painted toes–even on big brother:

Check. Check. Check.
Sidewalk chalk, rainbows, and bubbles:

Check-ity, check, check.
Grand finale: A sign that says “It’s 5 o’clock Somewhere.” ??? That one stumped me. But mom came prepared…

Big ol’ check + the added bonus of a “juice box happy hour” (phrase coined by Dad). I loved it. I absolutely LOVED it!