Archive for 'Austin Kids'


Daddy dropped her off at school this time. Said it broke his little heart. At least she still looked cute as a button. (Dress made with patches purchased from here.)

Sep 13, 2010

first_austin_child_photographer.jpgOn that morning, she got dressed up in her preppy best, ate her bowl of oatmeal all by herself, helped me pack up the water bottle in her backpack, stood on tiptoes to kiss her brothers and her daddy goodbye, hopped into the car with me, and eagerly walked into her very first classroom.

first_austin_kids_photographer.jpgOn that afternoon, I picked her up–exhausted, hungry, with stringy hair, and bleary-eyed from crying all day.

Her, too.

This is not going to be easy. Not one bit.

As if the beautiful girl and her deer weren’t enough, then they brought out the giant pinwheels, and the old tractor equipment, *and* horses, too????!!! The whole time I seriously thought I had died and gone to Pinkle Toes heaven. This session was just pure magic and I’m so thankful to have met this family! (Congrats to them on Pic of the Month, too!)

I know I’m a tad bit late on this, but it was a tough choice. We have a tie:

horse_austin_baby_photographer.jpgI’ll be posting many, many more from her session soon.


austin_nicu_birth_photographer.jpgJust because

[What does this mean?]

Sep 03, 2010


…I love this sweet little girl so much…

austin_studio_photographer.jpg…I’m SO impressed with how much he wanted to paint. And he didn’t even care that it was pink…

rooms.jpg…my days and nights are filled with construction and we’re getting *so* close to a finished product…

test.jpg…I couldn’t wait to do some new test shots against my purdy studio wall…

logs.jpg…this weekend we’ll be working in secret to surprise a very special little boy by turning this mess into his very own bedroom…

austin_child_photographer_log.jpg…that very special little boy happens to be turning FIVE this weekend!!

Have a happy and safe Labor Day Weekend!!!

Aug 26, 2010


This evening’s session was all things sweet, light, tender, and girlie. Right up my alley. Sigh…
Aug 24, 2010


I admit that I wasn’t quite prepared to get in the pool at our session today, but man, oh man, I didn’t mind a bit (even the part about driving home in wet pants ;-).

Aug 21, 2010


A beautiful baby girl AND a baby deer? At sunrise? Are you kidding me??? And this was within the first 5 minutes of our session, people. I’m in trouble. Serious trouble.

Aug 18, 2010


It’s not often that I get to work with families with teenage kids, but when I do, it’s so refreshing. Tonight was magnificent…everyone was willing to play, had great ideas, and obviously enjoyed each other’s company. Natural, fun, and happy. Doesn’t get any better than that!

[Note: I created this collage using my new blogging actions for PT4P members. It’s so fast…can’t believe I didn’t make them sooner! And in even better news, there are two blogsite templates in the hopper that will be available for sale to members *very* soon. Getting really excited about that!]

Aug 13, 2010


She eats 2-6 waffles a day.
Toasted or frozen.
She doesn’t care.
The girl loves waffles.