Archive for 'Austin Kids'

Dec 02, 2010


Today, for the first time in my life, we all went to a Christmas Tree farm to cut our own tree. It was such a fun experience, even if it was a little warm here in Austin, TX and the farm was, well, a little bare. It’s also the first time in a loooooooong time that we did colored lights. Thought I’d go retro this year. Wish we had some of those silver tinsel icicles, too ;-). I love it that the boys are finally old enough to help out with the decorating.

I truly did not believe we were going to have time to put up a tree this year. Accomplishing this goal tonight leads me to think that maybe, just maybe, we’ll get around to taking the holiday card pic that I’ve been planning in my head for months now. Maybe…

Wow. I’m a little behind on this, huh? I have to say I had a tough time choosing because there have been so many amazing families this fall with some really unique images. I figure that since I’m so late in posting this, I could pick more than one for each month.  [What is Pinkle’s Pic of the Month?]

So, here are the winners for October:


(hey…just noticed there’s a theme there….)

And then, here are the winners for November:



We’ve got one more round of winners to come at the end of December and then in January, it’s voting time again! I can’t wait to see what happens this year!

Congratulations to all of the finalists!

Nov 28, 2010


Fall always has been and always will be my most favorite time of the year. Driving home from my session tonight, there was the most incredible purple and gold and auburn sunset (too bad the session was over) and I thought before we get swept away into the winter holiday season, perhaps we could appreciate the beauty of fall for a second. I decided to put together a collection of my favorite images from this fall so that maybe when we’re all sweltering in the summer next year, we can look back here and feel fresh, and crisp, and warm, and cool, and fuzzy, and hopeful, and thankful all over again…

[Want to see the show bigger?]

abday_austin_kids_photographer.jpgWe’ve only known you for two years, but somehow in that short time, you changed the very core of our family. I can’t help but to smile whenever I talk about you. You have made me enjoy life more, dream bigger, and love more fiercely than I ever have before. You’ve turned your dad into a softy, your oldest bro into a loving guardian, and your other bro into a partner in crime. You turned me into a mother with a daughter…something I feared would never happen.

bday_austin_toddler_photographer2a.jpgYou are all things pink and sparkly.

A fashionista/commedian.

You have a songbird voice with an endearing baby lisp.
You love to sing and listen to music, current faves include “Monkeys Jumping on the Bed,” “ABC’s,” “Baby Bumble Bee,” and “Welcome to the Jungle” (you can thank your Daddy for that.)

Rosebud lips and girly lashes, I love to kiss your cheeks, rosy and warm when you wake from your nap.

You still suck your thumb, love your “Dat,” and have adorable elbow dimples.

You are excruciatingly independent.
You make us read “Pinkalicious,” “Brown Bear, Brown Bear,” and the dog book every day.

You wish you were brave enough to ride a pony.

You love shoes and make-up, but you’re just as rough and tumble as your brothers.
You could watch “Ni Hao Kai-lan” and “Yo Gabba Gabba” all day.
You love to tell “Knock Knock” jokes.
You love to give all of us sweet hugs and kisses and to yell “BOYS! Calm down!” when your brothers are too rowdy.
You’re the boss of us…and I couldn’t be happier.

bday_austin_child_photographer2.jpgYour birth day couldn’t have come at a more appropriate time…we are all incredibly thankful to have you. I love you. Happy Birthday!

[Dress from Etsy]
Nov 23, 2010


Hope your Thanksgiving is merry and filled with wonderful times spent with family and friends. Personally, this is now my choice for BEST FAMILY PORTRAIT…ever. (posted with permission from a recent family session ;-))

Nov 10, 2010


She does, too. 🙁

After receiving several concerned e-mails, I figured I’d better post something…anything. Thank you sooooo much for your concern, but we are all just fine here. Just silly busy. I decided a few weeks back that the blog would have to take a break while I tried to keep my head above water over here. I thought I would be relieved to not have the pressure of blogging daily like I had been, but I actually miss it. Oi. It’s killing me to not post all of these sessions…and holiday cards (best batch *ever* this year).

Anyway, thank you again and I can’t wait until things slow down a bit so I can show off all of these absolutely beautiful and FUN families!!!


P.S. I’ve also received several inquiries about booking holiday sessions and fortunately/unfortunately, those are already booked up. I do have some options for New Year’s or I can give you a list of my friend photographers that might be able to help you.

[Dress from my Sister-in-Law. On Etsy]


that a family photo session should be…


And I feel very blessed to have been able to capture their beauty. As they are.


The hubs texted me today with that blog title. I had to use it ;-). Hope you all had a fun and treat-filled Halloween!

Oct 27, 2010

halloween_austin_child_photographer.jpgOkay, I did say I was taking a blog break, buuuuuut, since it *is* almost Halloween, how could I not share this session with you? (Plus, I’m sick and these images make me smile. Especially his oh so serious, “I’m Batman,” face.) I think it’s so cool that their mommy does Halloween cards every year.

And more fun shots from our time together:



Mama said she wanted to go to a place where I hadn’t photographed before. That pretty much ruled out all of Austin, so we headed to historic Gruene. We battled multiple diaper changes and charity races and storm clouds and overly friendly hotel staff and the oh-so-typical two kids heading in opposite directions, but we managed to get some GREAT shots! So glad we all hung in there!