Archive for 'Austin Kids'

Jun 20, 2011
daddysgirl_austin_lifestyle_photographer.jpgHe is the kind of father I always dreamed I would have.
She is the kind of daughter already wise enough to appreciate him.


but only if it’s NOT windy and if you’re not around any cactus. We had all these big plans for the balloons and quite literally we lost all but one within minutes of going outside. Oh well. She managed to be an adorable little ham without them.

Jun 05, 2011
l_austin_family_lifestyle_studio_photographer.jpga talented designer.
a good friend.
a wonderful mother.
a beautiful person.
blessed with an amazing family.
Jun 04, 2011


I’ve had a daughter for 2.5 years now, but for some strange reason, I still think of myself first as a “mom to boys.” That relationship is very special to me and I’m immediately drawn to images of moms and their sons. I was so thrilled when Christi asked me to photograph her family and I loved watching how she interacted with her boys. She loves them both equally, but differently. She appreciates their individual personalities and is simply amazing at letting them both shine their own lights. She is a beautiful matriarch ;-).
May 26, 2011


Oh, I could definitely get used to nights like this.
May 25, 2011


We rode bikes. We enjoyed the beautiful weather. I took snapshots of my kids. I didn’t care that my baby girl wasn’t perfectly coordinated. My middle son learned to ride on two wheels. We added a few more memories to the family memory bank.

da_austin_family_lifestyle_photography.jpg And his family. It was truly by luck that we were able to squeeze in his newborn session almost a year ago and I’m so happy we did. Oh, did I ever share pics from his 4 month session in November?

da_austin_baby_photographer.jpgSee what I mean???? *Every* time!

[Top set of images from the Feb 2011 workshop. Pinkle Toes Photography workshops are currently full for 2011, but be sure to follow the PT4P blog and Facebook for any updates.]
May 24, 2011


This session will definitely go down in the books for me. First of all, look at all the littles!!! We were definitely on our toes keeping everyone in the same zip code while we tooled around town, but gosh, we had a blast! Just loving the way mom put together their outfits (so impressive) and the random doggie that showed up in the middle our our shoot ;-). It was mom’s idea to do the ice cream at the end–she definitely took one for the team and the kids were totally thrilled.


The family dynamic here was incredible. The energy was contagious. The love was abundant among the kids AND parents. I truly enjoyed my time with them and reading Tracy’s words about her session/family just made so happy (p.s. Tracy is a wonderful photographer!!!). You’ve got to see the amazing gallery she put together in her home…that’s what really counts…her kids get to walk by there every day and see how much they are loved.


I truly wasn’t sure if we were going to be able to pull through this session. Everyone looked beautiful, everyone was in great spirits, it wasn’t too hot or too cold outside, but my word, every time we’d start shooting, it would start sprinkling on us. But I loved that they were up for trying anyway and I think it definitely worked in our favor…ducking under a bridge, some fun shots in the car, a steamy umbrella scene ;-).

which was an absolute BLAST:

But I realized I hadn’t yet shared his 9 month session:


This little guy has become one of my favorite subjects to photograph. He has such a joyful disposition and those bright eyes just light up the world! (This was another session that was part of the in-home session demonstrations for the workshops).