Archive for 'Austin Kids'
Dec 13, 2011
Our first scheduled date got delayed thanks to a horrible bathtub mishap that led to a severely busted lip and the potential loss of teeth – I was just as scared as Kristin (also a photographer 😉 for her poor baby girl having just been through a bathtub mishap with one of my kids this summer (that one ended up with stitches). But she pulled through with flying colors and we were able to have our session on a glorious Austin fall day in a GLORIOUS Austin home!!!
Sometimes, I have to work really hard to eek out smiles from people, but I’m going to let you in on a little secret here: not the case with these guys. I truly believe when happiness comes from the inside, you can’t help but to grin from ear to ear. I also can’t help but to grin from ear to ear when I look through their pics.
Nov 26, 2011
I’ll be cliche…it seems like it was just yesterday when we…
I hold onto those precious memories so tightly, I sometimes worry if I will squeeze the joy out of them.

*You* are pure joy. Even in your sassiest moments (and lord knows, you have plenty of those), we can’t help but to smile…

That giant image above will join the other two canvases from here and here. I feel so blessed that you’ve allowed me to create this tradition and I hope you’ll continue to humor me for at least another couple of years ;-). (Oh, and let’s be sure to thank Daddy for snapping some of just you and I together ;-).
You are the most beautiful person I’ve ever met. You have more love in your heart than I’ve ever seen. You are clever, and intelligent, and witty, and creative, and brave. How did we get so lucky, Amry? Why did you choose our family? It is such an incredible honor to be your mother. I don’t think you’ll ever comprehend how much you made our dreams come true. I love you and I wish you the happiest birthday in the world, my princess.
[Speaking of princesses, dress by Palm Tree Princess]
Nov 21, 2011
While working on their holiday card design today, I realized I had promised a part 2 to this post. There were definitely too many fav images to tell their story in just one post. So here you go!!!
[Note: If you book a 2012 family photo session now, you can still qualify for a holiday mini session. But you should probably hurry because I only have a few openings left. Also, if you had a session with me this year and you wanted to order holiday cards, please contact me THIS week! I won’t be able to process holiday card orders any later than that.]
Nov 12, 2011
Nov 11, 2011
I told mom tonight that my face literally hurt when I was editing these pics…I couldn’t stop smiling!!! These people make me happy. Their energy, enthusiasm, and zest for life is contagious, I swear. This has to be my favorite session with them to date, but it’s hard to commit 100% (remember this? Of course, I can’t for the life of me locate his newborn blog post, but that was a blast, too.) Doesn’t matter. What does matter is that they’ve got a fantastic family connection and a bazillion pictures to preserve those memories forever.
Speaking of, if you want to preserve your memories in 2012, there’s a little bonus incentive to book your session NOW. Running out of spaces much faster than I thought…
Nov 08, 2011
Nov 07, 2011
Sitting in music class one day, the daughter of a soon-to-be friend of mine was wearing the most adorable shirt…come to find out, the woman who made it lives right here in Austin. And then one day, that woman just happened to contact me to see if I’d be wiling to photograph some of her pieces. Um, YES please!!!
Now, go check out Oh Fiddlesticks. Really hip and unique clothing for girls AND boys (which is definitely hard to find)!! Rockin’ bags by Merah Muda.
Oct 31, 2011

All three kids are finally the perfect ages now. They get the idea of Halloween…we don’t have to carry anyone while Trick-or-Treating…they’re not too old/cool…they still have that sense of wonder and magic about the whole thing. And even better, my mom and sis live in the same town so we can stop by for a surprise visit. Love, love, love it!!!
Oct 30, 2011

Pumpkins were carved.
Seeds roasted in the oven.
The smell of pumpkin soup filled the house.
A fall breeze flowed through the open windows while the kids watched Hocus Pocus.
Tonight we’ll read Goodnight Goon again.
Oct 28, 2011
I’ve grown really close to this little lady and her mama. From the first time we ever spoke on the phone (more than 3 years ago and I was *very* pregnant w/ baby number 3), her mom and I just clicked. We get excited over the same things and I love that we can just start chatting and one idea leads to the next until we’ve created a totally unique theme for each one of her little girl’s birthday sessions. I love that I can say, “I wonder if we could…” and she finds some way to make it happen. I love to watch the two of them together because they are as close as I hope my own daughter and I are. I love the thought that I could one day be taking pictures when she turns 10…or even sweet sixteen. It feels amazing to be part of a tradition like this and I treasure that honor.