Archive for 'Austin Kids'

I am completely serious when I say that the BEST, most authentic, and most enjoyable family photo sessions are the ones where it is clear kids AND parents are having fun! You don’t have to re-invent the wheel to allow yourselves to have this much fun either, as this awesome family so perfectly demonstrates. Here are my top five tips for making your next family photo shoot as much fun as it should be:

1. Hold the photo session somewhere where you can relax…like at home. I don’t know why, but most families tend to overlook their homes as a prime location for their family pictures. Why pack everything and everyone up and fight Austin traffic and risk potentially bad weather when you could just stay in the comfort of your own home? Even if your home isn’t finished to your liking…even if it’s a rental…even if you think it’s a mess, home is usually the place where everyone feels comfortable enough to come out of their shells. If you have young children, home is probably the safest place, too.

2. Be in the pictures WITH your children! Your kiddos want to cut up and play around WITH you and how can you expect them to be invested in this whole photo session thing if you’re not willing to take part, too? Plus, I promise, 30 years down the road, the photos that your children will look at the most (and perhaps with their own kiddos) will be the pictures that include YOU.

3. Let your kids do what they like to do. That’s easy enough. This mommy told me her boys love their bubble machine and their little bounce house, so you can be sure we incorporated that into their photos. Allowing children to do what is familiar and treasured not only helps them relax and enjoy the session, but it also helps me as the photographer to capture very important memories for them.

4. Dress comfortably! Why are these boys smiling so much here? Um, probably because they’re not fidgeting with itchy clothes and uncomfortable collars. I mean, how cool is it that mom let them wear their very favorite super hero t-shirts? (HUGE bonus points for that decision, mom!!) Even big kids like to wear what is comfortable–notice dad isn’t in a stiff, button down shirt and he looks pretty happy, too ;-).

5. It is what it is. I find that frustrations and tantrums (from kids AND adults 😉 tend to arise during a photo shoot when we’re trying to force something that isn’t there. Just relax and let engage you and your kiddos in fun family interactions and see what unfolds. Lifestyle photography should be an organic process. You can’t expect your little ones to be smiling in *every* single picture we take, but I assure you that if we let it happen naturally, the smiles that we do get will be their REAL smiles and seeing those kinds of images will bring a smile to your face as well.

So again, kuddos to mom and dad and their oh-so-charming boys pictured here for making this the perfect reflection of what family photography is all about! [Don’t miss my favorite bounce house pic HERE. And my ULTIMATE favorite bubble pic maybe EVER HERE.]


One last thing: I think I have just a handful of openings left for the Winter Wonderland Holiday Mini sessions. And that is just incredible.


Just a small peek into what I’ve been working on over the past several weeks. Debating on if I should show more or keep it as a surprise for all the kiddos who are taking part? Hmmmmm…

These kids-only holiday mini sessions are already HALF FULL and I only just opened the sign up last week! Wow! The 10 minute mini session + one FREE digital file of your choice is ONLY available to clients who book a full session for 2015. (Sorry, you cannot purchase the mini session on its own). Also, while I totally understand that grown ups want to play in my wondrous wintry set, these sessions are kids only. If you’ve been thinking about experiencing a Pinkle Toes photo session, this is a GREAT time to take the leap! Please contact us as soon as possible to get the full session and mini session details because there is an EXTRA bonus that comes with your holiday mini for booking early. *hint, hint*

Okay, off to play in the “snow” some more…


While I remember ALL of my photo sessions vividly, there are some shoots that I wouldn’t mind experiencing over and over again (like in Groundhog Day).  And this incredibly colorful sunrise maternity photo session for these longtime clients at the rowing docks in downtown Austin would definitely be one of them. How did we get so lucky to have this perfect combination of amazing light, vibrant colors, water like glass, and one happy, happy, happy big-brother-to-be? I don’t know, but I am grateful. Grateful to know this family, grateful to share in this celebration and anticipation of new life, and grateful for watching them grow into such a graceful, loving, and happy family.

And of course, of my favorite images


I have been working with the Z fam for AGES and every year, it’s always bold, beautiful, FUN, and colorful! But this year takes the cake, for sure! When mom first mentioned the idea of using the color powder like they use in the Color Run, I was a little skeered. But turns out, it was nothing my trusty waterproof camera bag couldn’t handle ;-). As much as I LOVED the color splash pics (THIS one is by far one of my most favorite family photos EVER), I also loved the bit of underwater photography we got to do before we broke open the powder packs. This is the *same* creek where we did maternity pictures years ago when she was expecting her little boy. Now that is COOL!


I have the next couple of days blocked off so I can *finally* finish the set for the 4th annual Pinkle Toes Holiday Mini Sessions! If you’ve been following me on Instagram, you may have seen a few teasers ;-).The minis are coming in just a few weeks (eep!) and everyone who books a full session with me for 2015 can snag one of the spaces for the minis (while they last) which includes at least one FREE image for your holiday cards and gifts. These spaces fill up VERY fast and we are already about 1/2 full! If you’ve already booked a session with me this year, you should have gotten the sign up sheet (if not, let me know). To get on the list to receive details when the holiday mini sessions are officially announced, be sure to contact me ASAP.


The first year at our kids’ school, a friend told me that they go all out for Dia de los Muertos. Honestly, I didn’t even really know what it was, but sure enough, our school did go all out and I thought it was beautiful, even if it didn’t particularly mean much to me at the time.

By our second year at the school, however, we had lost 3 very close family members and suddenly, Dia de los Muertos became an event I had been both dreading and anxiously anticipating. We made it through the processional, but the emotions stirred during my 2nd time ever in that march were overpowering, but uplifting.

This year, we got the kiddos  up at 6 a.m. this morning to do their sugar skull makeup. My husband and I were working so hard, we may or may not have been a tad late to school today. But it was soooo worth it! The kids looked amazing and they were so proud of their makeup!


This year, our children each made very thoughtful and beautiful ofrendas to honor our lost loved ones: Grandma Rosie, Uncle Jim, Pop, and even our pups, Kona and Storm:


More images from the day:


But the real treat of the day came by the dance and musical performances of the students for the entire school. I posted some video clips on Instagram (one, two, three, and four), but those really don’t capture the incredible energy and vibe and sound and color and beauty of the celebration. The kids were SO into it! Such a treat to watch my own children get caught up in the magic, too. All of these students are quite lucky to have such talented and creative teachers, staff, and volunteers to pull something like this together in such a short timeframe. Wow!



I hope you can’t tell from these pictures, but little buddy just was not having a good day. I think it may have all started when on our way to the cool red barn, he spied a playground and he wasn’t too keen on leaving it. Ever. LOL. They finally pulled out the big guns (his toy plane) and we managed to tear him away from the playground for at least 5 minutes worth of family photos. Oh, we also learned he likes to take selfies 😉

We finally decided to give up on the ol’ red barn and take him over to the creek where we KNEW he would have a blast. And he did. And so did his sister. We even managed to let him play on a more photogenic playground for some pictures at the end of our session and that seemed to make up for separating him from what was evidently, his most favorite playground in the whole wide world (giggle, giggle.) Mom and dad…thank you so much for sticking with me that morning. Little boy blue sure pulled through! (My favorite image of him and his plane HERE).

I know in most parts of the country right now, fall means lovely golden foliage and crisp temps. Here in Austin, it’s a little different, but just as beautiful, I think. So excited the timing worked out where we could use these beautiful purple flowers (such a short window as they are all gone now) and play outside without having to be bundled up. And this little girl is just a ball of beautiful energy! She just radiates joy, doesn’t she? FAV family image can be found HERE.


Our session–and I mean the exact date–had been on the calendar for nearly a year, so of course, the day comes and we were greeted with pouring down rain. Reschedule #1. The next date we selected, sure enough, mom was going to go get her hair done and the rain came in AGAIN. Reschedule #2. The third date, weather was looking PERFECT and I had just sent mom the “all clear,” when my daughter suddenly got really, really sick. I didn’t think there would be any way to pull this session off, but somehow, all of our stars aligned and we finally made it happen! (My daughter is fine now, by the way ;-). R – thank you so much for your patience as we tried to make this work and I’m so glad you stuck with it! Those boys are busy, busy. Lots to do and lots to explore!!! No wonder mom is so tiny!!

austin urban family photo session

I mean really…how could you not look up there and smile at all of that wonderful, loving energy up there?! These three kiddos truly brought their A game to their family photo session in downtown Austin that night. They were up for *anything* I asked of them, including laying down in the grass that may or may not have had a couple of bugs hopping around. And fortuitously, we even happened upon a toad (NOT a frog, right T?) which happened to be one of his most favorite animals! Little Miss Sassafras definitely stole my heart sporting those fashionable boots and big bro was absolutely amazing at leading his younger siblings and getting everyone to cooperate happily. Yup, rockin’ session all around!


My little sunshine has been under the weather for the past few days and I’m anxious to start seeing this smile of hers again. Every year on our land, the Gayfeather (aka Blazing Star) comes into bloom and it always makes me think back to 5 years ago when I first photographed my daughter in them. I always think about revisiting that shoot, but somehow it never works out. I was determined to make it happen this year. Doesn’t even seem like the same little girl to me. Well, her beautiful spirit hasn’t changed 😉 [My absolute fav HERE].
