Archive for 'Austin family'

May 27, 2010


Technically, I wasn’t really in a position to book this session when mommy sent me a note. My schedule was booked, booked, booked, but then, a lucky break and I was able to drive out to San Antonio one day. So very worth the trip! I was admittedly nervous because she was already 4 weeks old at the time, but wow, she was amazing!!!! Loved all the color and those big blue eyes!


May 27, 2010
Okay, I’ll be the first to admit, this one had a tough start. This beautiful family ventured out quite a ways for our session and older bro fell asleep in the car. Understandably so, he was not thrilled with being awakened and then having to walk out into this field in the middle of nowhere. Oh my goodness, we tried *everything* and I mean everything to cheer him up, but it just wasn’t working. I started to get scared because the sun was setting fast and we had already been out there about 20-30 min and I wasn’t able to get much at all.

Finally I just decided to invite the whole crew back to my house for some drinks and snacks and Legos. Both boys brightened up at that idea and it actually turned out to be a lovely evening for us all (well, if you don’t count the mosquitoes). We drug out the old purple couch into the bluebonnets in my yard and in between crackers and Lego creations, we managed to pull off a photo shoot before the sun set. Fresca saves the day once again!!!

grad_austin_kids_photographer.jpgI think any photog can relate to how difficult it is to put together a portfolio.  In a field where you can end up with thousands upon thousands of perfectly wonderful, portfolio-worthy images over the course of just one year, you *always* end up having to cut pictures that are dear to you in favor of keeping your website fresh and up to date. That’s why I absolutely dread the process of updating my portfolio and why I moved to a blogsite instead of a website. But by golly, I’m going to start a revolution…there should be a place for orphaned images on this site, too!

So, would you be willing to help me create a gallery of the Pinkle Toes All Star images? Please don’t think it narcissistic.  I truly am curious to know those images on my blog that spoke to you or inspired you over the years. Images that have long since gone by the wayside. Images that even I don’t think about until someone says, “I always remember that this one picture you did where…”

If there is one image from my site that stood out to you, perhaps you could describe it or even better, post a link to it (you can e-mail me, if you’d rather). I’ll take your input and put together a gallery over the next few months. Maybe I could even pull a VH1 “Behind the Image” twist to it (I know I always love reading about what goes on behind the scenes).

Speaking of All Stars, remember the scandalous wedding a while back (Logi’s class was called The All Stars)? Well, the happy couple finally graduated preschool (above). My gosh…seeing how much they changed like this, my mommy heart just did a little wistful flutter.

May 24, 2010
This one turned out to be a session near and dear to my heart. We had to reschedule time after time due to weather and births, so when we finally had the opportunity to get together, there was a lot of anxious anticipation.

But the second I saw their warm smiles and their “up for anything” approach, it was like we had been friends forever. And that baby girl has the richest, deepest, most sincere brown eyes I had ever seen. A truly beautiful evening with truly beautiful people and I’m so thankful to have met them.

And yes. That is a couch in the middle of a field (actually, we were tucked away behind a Dairy Queen ;-). And I don’t care how cliché it is, I LOVE it!

May 20, 2010


I did something today that I don’t normally do–actually, it was something I had never done: I photographed a birthday party for a client. Truth be told, I loved it and I was so honored to be invited there to capture this once in a lifetime milestone.

She looked like a little doll, but she was definitely more interested in things other than birthday parties and photo shoots. In fact, it took us quite a while to find the right formula to work for her, but when we found one (which involved her nanny Miss D holding a DVD player over my head), it was magic:


May 17, 2010


When I walked into their home for this session and saw the kiddos, I just about fell over. I know it shouldn’t shock me like it does, but I just couldn’t believe how much they had grown! Gosh, when last I saw little man, he was a precious newborn baby.

And now they both have such vibrant personalities! We had so much fun at our session that day and I so enjoyed watching mom and dad enjoy their family. This is what it’s all about!


May 16, 2010


This one made me giggle while proofing tonight. (And yes, mama, it means I’m working on *your* proofs right now!! Soon, very soon.).

May 15, 2010
They were very girly and very full of energy all at the same time. I especially had to work hard to keep up with the littlest firecracker, but who can resist those curls?

May 15, 2010


…sometimes, the coolest light is in the parking lot. 😉

L…it was so great to meet you and your little family tonight and thank you again for understanding about the parking situation (I love Austin, I do, but people, parking is a nightmare). Hope you have a wonderful rest of your stay here!

May 13, 2010


He was awake for his entire session, which for most newborn photographers (including me), that isn’t always a good thing. But then his charm got to me and I didn’t mind his photographic flirtations at all ;-).
