Archive for 'Austin family'

Baby girl was obviously ready to party down.
[Note: I created this collage using my new blogging actions for PT4P members. It’s so fast…can’t believe I didn’t make them sooner! And in even better news, there are two blogsite templates in the hopper that will be available for sale to members *very* soon. Getting really excited about that!]
Toasted or frozen.
She doesn’t care.
The girl loves waffles.

Back at the end of June, I had the honor of attending Nichole Van’s lighting workshop in Utah. I had never been to Utah before and let me tell you, it’s very tempting to pack up everything and move out there right now.
The workshop was wonderful and I learned so much about using off camera flash. Nichole is a very talented artist and teacher. So much to take in and I’m trying to force myself to practice it whenever I can. Truth be told, it makes me very nervous to try something new with my clients, but at the same time, I’ve got to constantly grow and challenge myself or things can get stale. I’m proud to say that I’ve used off camera flash at two of my sessions this week and I hope to incorporate it more as I can.
But perhaps the coolest thing was that I attended the workshop with a group of online friends from all over the country (and Canada)–only one of whom I had ever met in person and another who I got to visit with again just this week. We all started our journey into photography at about the same time and most of us gathered together on Flickr to share ideas, garner information, and learn from each other. In this day, a photography business can be very “online”…most of us work from our homes and depend on the internet to get our “water cooler conversations.” I had an absolute blast with these ladies and they made that trip so much fun for me. What a great opportunity to talk shop with some good friends, share stories, and laugh, laugh, laugh! I really hope we can all work together again someday.

I’m going to tell on myself here. It was an hour drive out there to meet newborn baby T. I arrived right on time, jumped out of the car, and ran to the back to grab my camera bag only to find that somehow, in the midst of beanbags, blankets, and session props, the bag never made it to the car.

And after we settled into our session groove and little man got more comfortable, I think we all relaxed and really enjoyed ourselves.

[Oh, and a quick note to all my dear photog friends on Facebook…thank YOU for sharing your stories of silly mistakes today. You made me feel so much better!]
They gave me three.
I only needed one.