Archive for 'Austin family'

Oct 17, 2010


One of the best parts of my job is getting to work with families in their own environments. These are the images your kids will go back and look through time after time…just to see how they lived “back then.”

Oct 15, 2010


His parents are pretty cute, too. 😉

And I love this city. See you again at sunrise!


*Due to an overwhelming response, we’re putting this call on hold until further notice. Please do not apply until we re-open the call. Thank you!*

Are you pregnant and due in Feb or Mar 2011? Or do you have a baby due in late Dec 2010 or early Jan 2011? Pinkle Toes Photography is looking for a few maternity and newborn baby models for our professional photographer workshops being held at the studio in Austin, TX in January 2011.

– Maternity models must be available Sat Jan 15th and/or Sat.Jan 22nd.
– Newborn models must be available Thu Jan 13th and/or Thu Jan 20th.
– Signed model release required.

Models will receive several images from their session (digital files) as compensation for their participation. This is an amazing opportunity to have your maternity or newborn portraits done by professional photographers!

Speaking of models, how about that beautiful baby girl up there?? Since I used her picture just now, I figured it would be a great time to blog the rest of her AMAZING newborn session:


[If my memory serves me correctly, I believe they ordered a 16×20 of the black and white bunny ears pic. How cool is that???]

Oct 12, 2010


Once again, Austin and the people in it make me the happiest girl in the world!


Boy, have I been itching to show these off! So excited to offer distinctive and luxurious holiday cards to my clients. Clients, you are more than welcome to order cards from your most recent session, just keep in mind that I must receive all orders by NOVEMBER 15th.

[Photographers: purchase a membership to Pinkle Toes 4 Photographers and you can have all of these templates too!]

Oct 08, 2010

art1_austin_family_photographer.jpgart2_austin_lifestyle_family_photographer.jpgFun little article that appeared in Community Impact Newspaper today.  Very honored to be featured with so many other talented photographers in Austin!!! [To read full issue online, go here and download the Lake Travis | Westlake Oct 2010 edition]

Oct 07, 2010



a_wonderland_austin_childrens_photographer.jpg*Wonderland!* Complete with Alice, the Hatter, and a rabbit hole.
Absolutely amazing birthday party today to celebrate an absolutely
charming little girl, and I cannot *wait* to show you the rest of these images!!!


Oct 02, 2010


(and only for just a fraction of a minute) that little man would never calm down so we could photograph his sweet little face. But after a lot of mama’s milk and the soothing sounds of a hair dryer, he pulled off his session like a champ! Aren’t his little lips just divine?
