Archive for 'Austin family'

Dec 30, 2010


Oh my gosh. Was this session *really* back in August? Why, yes, I believe it was. I don’t get to work with families with older kids very often, but when I do, it’s always a treat. I look at mom up there and I imagine myself in her shoes in just a blink of an eye. Well, I hope so anyway,  because those boys of hers are true gentleman and it was a pleasure to get to work with all of them that day. Thought for sure the skies were going to open up on us, but thankfully, the rain held off…


Dec 21, 2010


[Kinda hard to show on here, but this is a 5×7 wide format card…the red pages are the front and back of the card and then green pages are actually side by side and fold out to a 14 inch spread when opened.]

I was very proud of this year’s holiday card for several reasons:

1. I honestly didn’t think it was going to happen. I’ve had this concept in my mind (and Amry’s dress in my hands) since this summer, but when the busy holiday season actually hit, I just couldn’t imagine finding the time to take the pictures and then create and send cards. But with the help of my AWESOME husband and our new Pinkle Toes Office Manager (my mom!), somehow, we got cards mailed out.

2. I knew I was going to have to use my new lighting techniques I learned this summer and honestly, I was very skeerd that I wouldn’t be able to make it work.

3. It was cold. And my kids were NOT happy about taking these pics. In fact, most of the images from that night looked like this:

cityoflights_0024.jpg4. And most importantly, it served as a visual reminder of my goal to TRAVEL more starting in 2011. We’re ready to explore…to see the world…or at least give it a good start. This is why we homeschool and I know I want the kids to experience these places and not just see them on TV. We’re going to start small by hitting a few places in the U.S. and see how it goes, but I’m very hopeful we can make it happen. I’m VERY excited about 2011!

But for now, I think we’ll take a little break and hunker down at home to enjoy this Christmas. Thank you to everyone for a wonderful 2010 and I wish you the most magical, wonderful, special, and love-filled holiday season ever!

Much love,


Dec 19, 2010


I can’t imagine a better way to spend this Sunday. Welcome to the world, little Jove. There were many people who were very excited to meet you…especially your big brother. As you can see, you’ve made it to the “Friend Wall” as his new best friend. Such a beautiful entrance this afternoon. Congratulations on this precious bundle!


Finally done with holiday orders and I’m pretty sure everyone’s cards have been sent out, so now begins the fun job of sharing all of these sessions! This family is dear to my heart as I’ve photographed both of their boys as newborns. It is always such an honor to get to watch these kiddos grow up and they have become healthy, energetic, all-boy-boys! We had to outrun the rain, a footrace, and in many cases, the boys, themselves to snag pics at our session, but gosh, just look at those grins and bright blue eyes!

j_austin_newborn_family_baby_photographer.jpgWe need even more newborn models to be on call for our Feb professional photographer workshops (held in the Pinkle Toes studio in Austin, TX).

If your due date falls between Jan 20th-Feb 20th, we’d love to put you on our call list. If you want to be on call, please fill out THIS FORM. Only submissions via this form will be accepted (not phone calls, not e-mails, not comments, not facebook). If you’ve already submitted this form for the first round, there’s no need to send again.
Newborn models (and their mommies and daddies if possible), must be available in the afternoon on at least one of these dates:

  • Thu Feb 10th
  • Thu Feb 24th

Signed model release is required. If selected, models
will receive several images from their session (digital files) as
compensation for their participation. This is an amazing opportunity to
have your newborn portraits done by professional

Wanna see more of one of the MOST adorable newborn babies I’ve ever had the pleasure of working with? Okay. You twisted my arm…


Dec 14, 2010


I couldn’t resist. We’ve been working for so long to get moved into the studio and make it operational. We made major progress today. So much so, I was able to set up my light that I’ve had sitting in a box for 2 years now. My two (not-so-willing) models let me do a few test shots before I put them to bed. I’m happy. Very, very happy.

Dec 09, 2010


If this doesn’t get you into the holiday spirit, then I *know* this will…

z_holiday_austin_baby_lifestyle_photographer.jpgHad a lovely time with this family this morning! I didn’t want to leave…they had Christmas carols going and stunning holiday decorations (mom did it all herself!) and that roaring fire…it was perfect! And, it also makes my heart leap whenever I see things like this in the house:

z_austin_commercial_photographer.jpgIt’s even sitting in the very spot where we took that picture!

austin_port_aransas_beach_family_photographer.jpgthan I probably could, thought I’d share her blog post on our amazing session a few months back ;-). Love ya, Stacy!!!!

Dec 06, 2010

sparkle_austin_commercial_photographer.jpgEvidently, this holiday season, I’m all about the sparkles.  (Did you see my last THREE posts, LOL???) Check out my article today on the Creative Mama to see how to make your own sparkly ornaments!

Dec 02, 2010


Today, for the first time in my life, we all went to a Christmas Tree farm to cut our own tree. It was such a fun experience, even if it was a little warm here in Austin, TX and the farm was, well, a little bare. It’s also the first time in a loooooooong time that we did colored lights. Thought I’d go retro this year. Wish we had some of those silver tinsel icicles, too ;-). I love it that the boys are finally old enough to help out with the decorating.

I truly did not believe we were going to have time to put up a tree this year. Accomplishing this goal tonight leads me to think that maybe, just maybe, we’ll get around to taking the holiday card pic that I’ve been planning in my head for months now. Maybe…