Archive for 'Austin family'

May 08, 2011


I’ve had the privilege of working with so many amazing mothers this year. Some of you became mothers for the first time. Some of you are seasoned pros. All of you have inspired me in countless ways. I hope you had a wonderful and very special Mother’s Day today!

May 01, 2011


These were taken at the in-home family session demonstration for our first professional family photographer workshop in January. I have to admit I’m pretty proud to offer this as part of the Pinkle Toes photography workshops! I personally would LOVE to have the opportunity to go into a house and see how another photographer sets up a session from start to finish using available light (on a RAINY day, no less). This has been named as one of the best parts of each of the workshops we’ve had!

Apr 30, 2011


Finally, I can now start blogging my 2011 sessions! I didn’t think I was ever going to get to this point, LOL. You guys might remember me talking about the newborn twins photo session I had in January. You might remember just how nervous I was ;-). Upon meeting these two, however, I realized there was nothing to be nervous about. They were SO precious and I loved getting to peer into their little personalities as we worked together.


I look forward to working with them again soon…I imagine I wouldn’t even be able to recognize them.

Oh, one more image I want to share! We had gotten the babies settled in and were shooting away. Puppy dog was dying to be part of the action, so we called her up. As I looked at mom and dad, arms full of babies and laps full of puppy dog, I giggled, “Can you even believe this is your life now???”

life_austin_newborn_twins_lifestyle_photography.jpgNo. I don’t think they could.

[P.S. Clients…NOW is the time to book your holiday sessions! I’m not kidding when I tell you have just a few openings left in October. We’re going to have to look at September and even August for holiday family photo sessions. Please, don’t wait! It breaks my heart to have to turn repeat clients away. Contact me if you want session details and to reserve a date.]
Apr 25, 2011
austin_birth_homebirth_photography.jpgLast fall, I was extremely honored to be asked by one of my photography idols to photograph the birth of her second baby. Her work has always grabbed my heart: it’s so pure, and honest, and emotive, and beautiful. To be honest, I had to pinch myself when I saw her e-mail (she’s probably blushing now ;-). And then when I learned it would be a homebirth (sigh), I had to pinch myself again.

I got the first notice that this might be the day at about 4 a.m. (so it goes for midwives and birth photographers). I could NOT sleep and I paced around for more word. By 8 a.m., I had heard nothing and I started to get a little nervous. With second-time moms, it’s my biggest fear that I’m going to miss the birth and then with a homebirth, it can be a little tough because you definitely don’t want to get there too early and disrupt the labor process.

But by about 10 a.m, I was so anxious, I pulled a crazy stalker move and I had to do a little drive-by. Oh, I was SO embarrassed to happen upon her and her hubby out for a walk in the cool air!!! (I’m dedicated. What can I say?) After talking to her for about 7-10 minutes I began to think that today might not actually be the day. I mean, here was this beautiful, radiant woman talking to me in complete sentences like it was no big deal and she never once had to stop for a contraction. So, I drove home.

No sooner had I walked in the door, I got a text from dad, “things are picking up here.” Followed a few minutes by, “she would like you to come over.”

Boy, I FLEW back to her house (I may or may not have breezed through a few “burnt orange” lights along the way). I could hear her outside of the house before I even got through the door…I pulled my camera out because I was so afraid to miss it.

The scene when I walked into the house took my breath away. Christmas lights twinkled and an excited “big brother to be” was hanging out with his grandparents. The birth tub was tucked away in a space that would become the baby’s room. Soft music, warm steamy water, and a song coming from deep within mom that was somehow both primal and perfectly in tune. How I wish I had recorded that sound. It was amazing. The light was incredible (I should have known a birth by a fellow photographer would be picture perfect) and it illuminated this mobile of tiny, handmade paper cranes from her friends all over the country (world?). The peaceful energy of the room…the entire house…was both calming and exhilarating. Everyone was happy. No one was afraid. I do not exaggerate. *This* is birth.


[Google Reader and RSS fans, you’ll need to click on this link to see the full slideshow]

All the way home that afternoon, I kept seeing the pictures in my head and humming a tune that my good friend, Lyndsay, used on the slideshow for the birth of our daughter. That tune has always been very dear to me and I’ve felt a bit protective over it. But this entire time, I couldn’t get it out of my head. It belonged to this birth, too. Thank you, Lynds, for sharing this song with us.

And thank you to this beautiful family for inviting us into their home to witness such a personal and incredible event and then for allowing me to share it with you all on here.
Apr 21, 2011


We all came together at one of my favorite parks to throw leaves, laugh, and enjoy the amazing fall air last holiday season (yes…I’m still about 10 posts out from blogging 2011 sessions ;-). Mom’s eyes had me captivated, but the little ones…they definitely stole my heart. I know family sessions aren’t always the easiest thing to get everyone together for (who am I kidding…it’s got to be more difficult than childbirth), but as I’m reminded by my own children every day, you don’t get this back…not one second of it.
Apr 15, 2011


This is so my life (well, sans baby bump).

Apr 14, 2011


Tonight was so surreal. See that little guy sitting on dad’s lap? Yeah, this was him two years ago. And now he has a new brother that could possibly be his twin. And then to see how the older two kids (I use “kids” for lack of a better term, I promise, G) have grown into handsome/beautiful young adults. I just kept having to rub my eyes and pinch myself. In mom’s words when I asked her to describe her vision for the session: “…document where we are. son taller than his mom,
but not dad. daughter getting so pretty and surviving as the lone girl.
j being crazy. baby being snuggly.” Is this for real? Is this what I’m going to be staring at in a few years myself (son taller than his mom???). Wow. I’m so not ready for that. But they are. And they take everything in with such grace and love. They set a pretty darned good example–well, minus the little run-in with a rogue stroller and a sidewalk. Yeah, other than that…pretty amazing.


If I’m being honest, driving out to their home tonight, I was soooooooo tired. I had my head buried in paperwork all day long and I was afraid I wasn’t going to be able to muster the energy needed for 3 bubbly kiddos. But from the *second* she opened the door, I instantly felt like I was exactly where I was supposed to be. I just knew we were going to have a great time tonight. And we did!!! Erin…I’m so thankful to know you and your family and I hereby promise (in public) that we *will* have a playdate before another year goes by!


we spoke on the phone, I knew I was going to love this family. They way mom described her children and how she wanted to capture this time in their lives…everything she was saying was right up my alley. Upon actually meeting them and visiting in their home, I became so overwhelmed with all of the inspiration…my mind was spinning that afternoon. I didn’t leave until well after dark. I love sessions like that.

Apr 10, 2011


After a week of setbacks and sickness, it’s been nice to stay in and hang with the kids. T-man decided that we didn’t have enough to keep track of in this house and introduced two new frogs/toads (there is debate) to our zoo. Logs has been practicing for his upcoming recital and I’m so proud of him for finding something that’s *all his* for a change. The littlest Anderson has decided that she enjoys cooking and has become a huge help (not really) in the kitchen. And yes, those are mealworms next to the wine on the counter. Welcome to my home.