Archive for 'Austin family'


I was feeling somewhat caught up and ahead of the game tonight. Then I made the mistake of looking through the archives and realized there were about 30+ sessions from last year that I had yet to blog. To which I replied, “Well, hmph.” 
At least now we’re at 29+.


Pop on over to The Creative Mama today! (There’s a free download, too!)
When I sat down to think about it, I’ve known this lovely lady for nearly a decade. In fact, she and I were pregnant with our first sons at the same time. We both had our 2nd sons at about the same time. We both had little girls at about the same time. She is a true lady in every sense of the word and she mothers her children with a grace that I could never emulate but absolutely admire. I’m so glad I finally got the chance to work with her like this and to capture the wonderful connections in her family! (Check out my personal fav from this session!)


These guys are no strangers to the Pinkle Toes blog and I can’t even begin to tell you how it makes me feel to think that most of my blog posts are of repeat clients. It is truly a privilege to get to watch these kiddos grow up. Love this tradition of having everyone there for his birthday (just like his big sis) and I LOVE that we sat him on the table with his cake (just like his sis). It was a very happy day! (Click to see my two personal favs from this session bigger HERE and HERE;-).


Golden, hazy sunrise.
Bubbling creek, 
Giggles and shrieks.
Bears, blankets, wagons, and sparkles.
Sunday morning church bells.
Tears of trepidation,
Of happiness.
So very loved.
A most memorable session yesterday where I felt like I was literally witnessing a family become a family.


Just a tad. It’s kind of fun to see the feature in this issue of CHIC Magazine, but even cooler to be among so many other incredible photographers and tons of photog eye-candy! Although, reading through my own Day in the Life, I may have given myself a headache 😉
Jun 01, 2012


Thank you.


When I showed up at their home for baby brother’s newborn photo session, his parents rushed me over to their Pinkle Toes photo wall (I love getting to see that in my clients’ homes 😉 to show me just how much he looked like his big brother at his newborn session. Oh my word! They were absolutely right! It was unreal!!! We even repeated one of my favorite shots from back then–did you see THIS post?
But then, the more I worked with the little guy, the more I got to see just how different they were, too. Baby brother was much tinier, much sleepier, and was making very different expressions than his big brother did back then. It’s going to be really neat to see how these likenesses and differences manifest themselves as the brothers grow up.
P.S Watching the mowers cut down some lovely wildflowers today (boooo!) reminded me of their maternity session. The sunrise that morning and the light fog was just amazing out here:
I think we all know I’m a big fan of color in photographs, but I always provide a black and white version of each image to my clients on their image CD just in case. When I processed the black and whites from this wonderful newborn session, I really loved the feel of them. The candid, real-life moments captured seemed to shine through even more when the color was removed. So, I thought I do something I’ve never done before in all my six years as a photographer: blog a session in black and white only.
Ooops. Wait. Scratch that. Just found a set of images that *has* to be color:
Oh well. Maybe someday I’ll try that again.


I love it when we get opportunities like this to do a session in home…to really experience the environment where they brought their first baby home from the hospital after she was born. We also got to go to the nearby park where mom said they used to go before she was even pregnant…and when she was pregnant, they would take long walks and dream about the day they would hold her in their arms. What a gem to have this place frozen in time with these images!