Archive for 'Austin Couples'




















It took us a little while to solidify a concept for this session (we’ve had so many wonderful times in the past), but once the wardrobe was planned out, it was a no-brainer. I’ve been wanting to do a chic, classy, city-inspired session at night in downtown Austin for some time and this was the PERFECT family to convey this vibe. And they absolutely NAILED it! I loved the personality that just couldn’t be contained in their kiddos. I loved the contrast of chic, classy, wardrobe and the silly faces they couldn’t help but to make. I loved the plush interior of the hotel and the sparkling lights at dusk. It was just all-around perfection and such a blast! Fav moment right over HERE.


Ten years ago, they began their life together when they married right here at Old Glory Ranch in Wimberley, Texas. We went back to that beautiful, charming place as they marked this momentous occasion and celebrated their 10 years as husband and wife and reflected on what must have been one of the most challenging years of their lives. The trials they faced in 2015 only made them stronger and more loving and more appreciative of the simplest and purest joys. In the years that I have known them, I’ve seen their connection and how they adore their family, but this year in particular, after surviving two of the biggest scares imaginable, that glow has been magnified times a thousand…












Wearing her mother’s wedding dress. I certainly hope that one day, if she gets married, these images are on display at her wedding.

One of my FAVS HERE.


These are also the pink Converse her mommy wore when she got married!










Just a few days after our time here at Old Glory, Amy got the most miraculous news: her tumor is gone! I can’t even tell you how loud I shouted when I read that wonderful, wonderful news. I am just blown away by the grace and determination with which Amy defeated this cancer. She is the ultimate inspiration!

























Now, the pupster came very close to stealing the show during this awesome family’s downtown Austin photo session, buuuuuut…the girls were so adorable and fun and kept me on my toes so it all evened out in the end. One of my other fav shots HERE and how about this super cool successful HIGH FIVE at the end of the session when mom and dad were congratulating one another on a job well done! Much-deserved, guys!!!!



Oh my gosh, I could not get over how amazing the sky was during our entire session! Not only that, but the temps were so fall-like for September in Austin, TX. It was a treat simply getting to work with this family, but with the spectacular sunrise and the city as our backdrop, I was in photography heaven.







I mean, look at those gorgeous rays of sunshine framing his delighted smile!


And the relationships between the older siblings and the younger twins would make anyone’s heart melt.


Four. 😉 Get it?





The skies were really THAT blue! Love how it made the colors in their outfits really pop. My FAV cloud image HERE.




These two are really amazing together.



So were these two…


And these two…



She was really wanting to be the star of the show, so we let her. And then she got all bashful ;-).





Her little shoes…I die.


Okay, I had to throw this one in there. We asked her to give her brother a kiss and he was having no part of that. But then seconds later, he was playing and laughing with her. Sigh…sibling love!




This guy has got skillz!


Little guy’s suspenders = perfection!


And I want to point out that Katie with Modern Muse Beauty was up before the sun came up, too, in order to do makeup/hair. She’s pretty awesome like that and I know mom sure appreciated not having to worry about that part of the session. It takes so much as it is to work out wardrobe and to get everyone dressed and fed and ready for the session, the last thing you want to have to fret over is makeup/hair. Wise choice, Mama!!!

And, from mom, herself:

Tell us a little bit about your family…

Well, there’s 6 of us; we get along great in that we’re so close we’re not afraid to give one another “the business”. My older two are from a previous marriage but they’ve had Mark in their lives for almost 10 years. We’re silly and (when we have time and our schedules allow) we like to have game night complete with cheating scandals.

What made you decide this was the time to do a photo session? Were you marking any special occasion, etc?

We have never done a family session and with the twins able to walk we thought it would be a good time. This year will be our FIRST ever family Christmas card.

Where was your session held and why?

It was held on the rooftop of the parking garage of the long center because I hate nature… Grass creeps me out, true story, and the family indulges me, God love them. My poor children.

What did you like about your session location?

I loved the contrast of the beautiful sunrise with the concrete; it was SUCH a pleasant morning and the view of the city in the distance was amazing. [my kinda girl!]

What was your favorite part of your session?

our photographer!! What else. Honestly, you put us at ease (we’re awkward people in front of cameras) and you were so great with the little ones, and won HUGE points with the older ones for knowing something about a “whip” and a “Nene”??? [#imthatcool]

Was there anything you were nervous or worried about before the session?

I was worried that we’d all be/feel awkward having our pictures taken and be left to our own devises to come up with poses etc.

Any funny stories or interesting happenings during your session?

Yikes – it was all such a rush and I hadn’t slept much the night before I don’t really recall. I do remember feeling like the vampy mom with the JCrew family. Then later that day, Marky (baby, not hubs) broke his leg and I kept telling the entire family, “HE’S FINE!” even though he wouldn’t walk… Tuesday (TUESDAY) I finally took him to the doctor and had a cast put on. I felt badly. I have withdrawn my submission for Mother-of-the-Year. [Oh, P…poor little guy! But try not to feel too badly…at that age, it’s really hard to tell when something is wrong sometimes. I hope he has a quick recovery!]

Any advice to other families before their photo sessions?

Oh my.. just relax and enjoy the ride because they’re in GREAT hands!!!

What made you choose Pinkle Toes Photography?

I stalked the blog and I loved ever last little thing about the pictures and the photographer and I have no regrets!! Can’t wait to do this again for senior pictures or something fun. 🙂

What do you hope your kids/family will say years down the road when looking at these images?

I hope they remember how much fun we all had; even coming up with what to wear was silly and fun because of all the drama coming from the boys… I dare say they were better dressed than me. [I think you ALL looked amazing!]



From the moment we stepped onto the University of Texas campus to the time we closed their engagement photo session down, all eyes were on these two. And it’s not hard to see why! They are lovely and IN LOVE! I could have played all evening and we pretty much did. The sun finally had its way and we had to stop, but I was so thrilled to get to help them celebrate their engagement.







Oh, the light!



 Loved when she did this!


Yes, I like to use this courtyard a lot. Because it’s tucked away and GORGEOUS!




Yes. Seriously beautiful people!



This is how he proposed to her. And I thought it was AWESOME!



Her idea and a great one at that! HERE’s another take on it. Hook ’em!


Well,  I guess even the sun going down couldn’t stop us. It was just too perfect of an evening! Congrats to you both and thank you for letting me tag along and document your little world together. [As always, flawless hair and makeup by the wonderful, talented Katie of Modern Muse Beauty!]


I lived in Virginia growing up, but had several visits to TX throughout my childhood. Every now and then, I would get a chance to hang out with my cousin near Fort Worth. I regret the fact that while I was all wrapped up in my tween-ness, since she was a couple of years younger than me, I never really took the time to get to know her personally. I so touched and honored that she asked me (me???) to do an engagement photo session for her and her fiancé last December. After my time with them that evening, my childhood regret grew quite a bit as I realized just how much I missed out in not hanging with her more often. She is graceful, confident, brilliant, beautiful, funny, engaging, charming and caring.  We were able to pick up conversation like we were life-long best friends (family is always family) and that evening shared with the two of them over at my place will forever be a joyful memory. I very much look forward to many more years of gatherings like that. And I mean it, you two!!!! Congratulations on your engagement and I cannot wait to see your beautiful wedding photos!


When Katie and I first discussed the family photo session we were planning, she asked me, “If you could shoot anyplace in Texas, where would that be?” Simple. “A castle,” I replied. “Find me a castle and we are good to go.”

And find me a castle she did.

It feels like ages of planning went into this session and with our Type A personalities, I actually think it did. When she showed me that amazing gold sequined skirt she was planning to wear, I was ecstatic!!! It doesn’t take much for Katie to be comfortable in front of the camera (she knows this), but I was little worried about her daughter opening up and being able to relax in such an overwhelming environment. Totally unnecessary worry, it turns out, as she embraced her role as Mommy’s and Daddy’s little princess and totally let herself get wrapped up in the fairytale atmosphere. And what about that completely unplanned Cinderella moment up there when our little princess lost her shoe while dancing? My heart just melted.

My heart also melted when she did this.

Katie, you did a phenomenal job pulling all of this together and making all my photographer fairytale dreams come true. Thank you for helping me close out 2014 floating on a cloud! (Another full shot of the castle for you to enjoy.) Can’t wait to see her again this weekend for our .emme. boudoir Snow Angels marathon!!

May 15, 2014

at-pinkle-toes-austin-couples-engagement-lifestyle-photographerI think it’s a miracle we were able to make this session happen. I just happened to have a reschedule for the month of April and put out a call that I had some openings. I got an urgent message from this gentleman explaining that we was preparing to ask his girlfriend to marry him and wanted to surprise her with a Pinkle Toes engagement photo session as well. I absolutely loved what he wrote about their relationship and his plans for the weekend and I just knew that it would be an amazing session. He knew she’d be excited as well…he jokingly mentioned that she *might* be more excited about the photo session than the actual engagement, lol. Alissa is a newborn photographer herself and I knew she had an appreciation for photography. It was going to be incredible.

But wouldn’t you know it, the morning I was supposed to do their session, I got THE phone call (at about 4 a.m.) that my sister would be having her babies in just a few hours. I so did not want to reschedule their engagement shoot, but they were incredibly kind and understanding and allowed me to spend the entire day with my sister and my new nieces. I am so very thankful for that.

And so finally, the day came when we could actually get together and it did NOT disappoint. It is such a joy to get to see two people who are so in love and in tune with one another. It’s especially amazing when it happens to be two very creative and talented people. I can’t wait to see what they do for their wedding! (Notice that ring box? Well, he actually had it specially made from an old Nikon lens case! Isn’t that awesome???). We had a fantastic evening together and I felt very privileged to get a glimpse into their life they are building together. And maybe one day in a few years, I’ll get to revisit them + 1 ;-).

Congrats again you, two! You are beautiful people, inside and out!

[Oh, and you don’t want to miss this picture HERE.]

se-pinkle-toes-austin-family-baby-lifestyle-natural-candid-photographerI have the utmost respect and admiration of military families. I think it takes an unfathomable level of faith and personal strength to be apart for months at a time and still find ways to maintain that sense of family. These three were beautiful together and oh, that baby boy! He is just about as precious as he can be!!! The bugs pretty much swarmed us the entire session, but he was so very patient. He kinda nailed his photo session ;-)…especially the part with the helicopter…just like one his daddy flies. Well…not just like, but you know what I mean. (Another sweet image HERE).

dr-pinkle-toes-austin-family-lifestyle-wildflowers-kids-childrens-photographerIt’s difficult for me to recall the time before I first worked with them. I have watched their family grow from a bump to now a family of four. And over the years, their love and adoration for one another hasn’t diminished or changed one bit. In fact, I think it has grown. Exponentially. They warm my heart and I feel so very honored to get to be a part of their lives. See this family shot and then check out one of my favorite images (just in time for Mother’s Day).

P.S. Just found out that the world has realized mom is FAMOUS! Loved the article, Melonie, and congrats on this amazing venture!