
So here’s the scoop. I’m not on an African safari right now (wish I was), but it’s going to be like I’m out of the country. The holiday season is (and has been) in full swing and so I’m all over the place. My e-mail inbox looks like a tornado went through it (a thousand apologies if you’re waiting on an e-mail from me) and I gotta get proofs and holiday cards and all kinds of goodies out to my clients ASAP. The blog is going to have to take the back burner (which is shame because I’m about 30+ sessions behind in my blogging 🙁 and I’ve been dying to show you these beautiful, amazing, wonderful families), but hopefully, things will settle down around Thanksgiving time (ha!) and we’ll be back to normal around here (for a little bit).

Am now thinking I would be much more efficient if *I* had two heads…

  • ….or a clone! 🙂
    I love reading your blogs, you have such a great sense of humor!!

  • Lindsay Garrett

    Hope you get caught up! I know this time of year is crazy for photographers! Great picture!