Baby Boy S

Born today at 28 weeks 5 days

2 lbs. 3 oz.

What a whirlwind entrance into this world and induction into parenthood! He and his mama are both so brave. Dad is a rock. Baby boy is perfection in a little, teeny, tiny bundle. I hope everyone is getting some much deserved rest tonight. There is indeed a long journey ahead. Congratulations on your beautiful new family!

  • Oh wow, M!! My hubby was born three months prematurely way back in 1963, weighing less than two pounds, and he is a great testament to how well a little one like this can grow. He does not even wear glasses, even after all of the oxygen that was administered. keeping this little guy and his family in my thoughts and prayers 🙂

  • Tiny perfection!

  • oh, these pics bring back so many memories! my little boy was born at 28 weeks, weighing 2 lbs, 9 ozs & he is now a healthy 3.5 year old!! baby boy s will be in my prayers!

  • Thoughts and prayers out to this little guy!

  • My goodness! What a little sweetheart. Congrats + prayers to this little guy and his family.

  • oh my, what a sweet little thing!

  • aww what a sweet little bundle!

  • oh oh oh! what a sweetie! My thoughts are with you and congratulations too!

  • Congrats Bevvy and David! :o) I was 2 months premature and look at my current healthy appetite and growth! ;o)

  • Perfectly early!

  • What a beautiful little bundle! You’re all in our prayers and we can’t wait to meet Baby Boy S!

  • Oh my goodness. He is beautiful! Thoughts and prayers with you all! My grandson Kolby was similarly early… almost the exact timeframe as yours. He is now a robust 5 year old, physically and intellectually right up there with his full-term peers. There’s SO MUCH modern medical care can do for an early arrival these days.

  • His Guardian Angel will keep him safe. Blessings to the family and thank you for sharing such sweet images.

  • Sweet, tiny thing! Best wishes and congrats to mom and dad. Hang in there!

  • Welcome Baby S! Like your parents, you’ve already started doing things your own way. Sounds like a perfect match. We will be praying for all three of you. Give Bev a big hug and make her get lots of rest. Cheers!

  • Sweet Baby S! Welcome to the world! We’re so glad you’re here!

  • How special that you can capture these moments for them. My son was born at 28 weeks & 2 days. The dr’s didn’t expect him to make it through the night. Everything was such a blur we were lucky to get the few pictures that we did! Fortunately, after a long NICU stay, and a prognosis of severe CP (due to a grade 4 IVH) ,my son is a healthy 5 year old! Congrats to this family. My heart goes out to them. Going through my sons birth & NICU stay was one of the hardest things I’ve ever been through.

  • hey beverly! remember me from customer service? just wanted to say congratulations. i will keep your family in my prayers.

  • Congrats to the family! What a brave bunch and such a beautiful baby. I hope there are minimum complications and a long road ahead for them all. xx

  • Kristen Jarvis-Maness

    I just said a prayer for you and your family, I hope your family is feeling all of these prayers left before me. Take care.

  • Congratulations on your tiny little bundle! We can’t wait to watch this little guy grow and thrive with his wonderful parents. Love to each of you.

  • David & Zoe Mitchell

    Oh my gosh congratulations and welcome little S!!

  • Oh my what a tiny little bundle of perfection. Congratulations to the family and sending prayers for quick, healthy growth for Baby Boy. He is absolutely, positively amazing!