Apr 07, 2010

mk_austin_birth_photographer.jpgMK and I hit it off instantly. Even via e-mail, I could already tell that I liked her spunk and sense of humor and down-to-earth approach to birth. At our meet up beforehand to discuss the big day, she told me she had no pre-conceived notions about how this birth was “supposed” to go.  It wasn’t just talk. She really meant it and I could really appreciate that mindset.

So the morning of their baby’s birth day, I got a text from her letting me know that her water had broken. Awesome! Perfect! The timing couldn’t have been more amazing since I had only been able to cover her birth on a standby basis (she was due pretty much at the same time as this little guy.) The day moved slowly but steadily and by the time I had gotten to the hospital, things were looking great. Dad was a tremendous support to his wife. Her family had made it into town to welcome the birth of their first grandchild. We were all so excited to find out if the baby was a boy or a girl. It was all coming together even better than planned.

And then suddenly, the whole plan changed and everything started to move so quickly…too quickly to keep up with swirling concern, confusion and emotion. And it was at this point, I truly realized how glad I was to be able to be there to click away and capture it all…especially those things that mom would have missed otherwise…

(If you are pregnant and in the Austin area and are interested in having
your birth experience photographed, take a look! Photographers seeking advice on birth photography, please visit this link.)

  • I get SO excited every time you post a sneak peek, especially birth shoots. You are such an amazing talent and person. I have been saying for years that my “bucket list” includes heading to Austin (from NY!) to have you take our families pictures. Thank you so much for sharing!! What an amazing gift you gave this family!! 🙂 Welcome to the world Andrew!

  • This takes my breath away, I wish you lived on my side of the country Michelle! (I’m due in August!)

  • Michele – Beautiful! Just finished wiping away my tears. I love love birth photography. the images of the mom holding Andrew are gorgeous. I am so excited that I will be having the birth of my third child photographed by a peer. I am sending this to her for inspiration!! Thanks for sharing the entire slideshow!

  • Beautiful as always Michele. Makes me long for the arrival of my little one in 8 short weeks

  • Oh Michelle! What a story! The images of the family waiting and then the father coming down the hall with the baby, brought tears to my eyes 🙂 Wonderful job!

  • tears streaming down my cheeks.. makes me want to go hug my babies. beautiful. 🙂

  • OMG those are AMAZING!!!!

  • Okay I’m wiping away my tears. The music, the emotion, the images… what a beautiful story. I especially love the ones of Grandma & Grandpa hugging each other at the safe arrival of their grandson, and the mama seeing her baby and loving on him. Gorgeous.

  • Beautiful photos! I love how relaxed Mom looked the entire time. I started crying when I saw how happy the grandparents looked! And what an alert, handsome baby!!!

  • OMG, LOVE the pic of their hands with the aggie ring!!!

  • amazing! I love the way you capture the whole experience and the emotions, brings tears to my eyes every time 🙂

  • amazing, just amazing!! these are just priceless, beautiful photos!

  • So beautifull, full of emotion….I know for sure they will love it!!

  • I’m a big ball of emotional mess! My goodness. You are truly AMAZING! You know I’ve told you so many times, but I feel like the English language just doesn’t do your talent justice. You are truly Blessed Michelle!!

  • While they’re all amazing as usual, the shot of the last shot of grandparents (after their hug) is my fav. Grandpa is trying to be so strong and “manly”, but you managed to capture all of the emotion he’s trying to rein in. It brought tears to my eyes…totally made me think of my dad.

  • Great job Andrew’s Momma and congrats he is beautiful. Beautiful, emotive images Michelle.
    I had an emergency C section with my son and…wow I am an emotional, mushy, grateful mess after watching the slideshow.

  • Beautiful! Love the emotion that you captured, let me wipe my tears. Lovely as always.

  • Me ha encantado, me he sorprendido a mi mismo llorando. (I liked it very much, I couldn’t avoid to cry)

  • those are absolutely incredible!!!! I found myself getting emotional looking at them! beautiful captures!

  • I just want to say I love your work…it is beautiful and inspiring. The colors just make me happy!

  • As always, you’ve done a magical job capturing one of life’s most awesome moments! As we plan for our third child, due this Thursday, I cannot help but wish we lived in your area so that we could use your talent to document our daughter’s birth. What a wonderful gift you’ve given these families! : )