Couple of non-session related things to note:

1. Getting ready for the last Austin workshop this weekend, so I’m going to be away for a few days. In other words, don’t panic if you send me an e-mail and you don’t hear back from me for a while.

2. After that, we get to spend some time with Jim’s kiddos for a while and we are very excited about that. Their cousins are pretty darned excited, too. In case you missed it, I posted an update on Jim PLUS some exciting new limited edition releases for j.imprints!

3. Did you hear that we opened up two more on-the-road workshops this summer? One in St. Louis (which, by the way, is filling up very quickly) and one in TORONTO, Ontario, Canada!!! If you are a professional photographer (or working to be coming a professional family photographer) in/near these areas, see this page to submit an interest form and I’ll make sure you get all of the details.

4. Have you been following my 365 project? I’m proud to say that I have completed the FIRST month! Only 11 more months to go!

5. And don’t forget, you have until Feb 6th to vote for your favorite image in round 1 of Pinkle’s Pic of the year.