
Nothing that would really interest anyone, so I won’t go into it. Instead, I thought I’d go back to a happier time…just a few weeks ago at our .emme. boudoir event in Austin. I saw Michelle had written the sweetest post on her blog about our time in Austin and my gosh, I couldn’t have said it better. Michelle…I feel the same way. What an amazing opportunity!

Anyway, we’ve been finishing up the orders this week and it’s been so fun to go through all the pics again. I can’t wait to hear about everyone’s reactions. I also can’t wait because in a little over a week, I’ll be heading out to L.A. for our next round of sessions. If you haven’t scheduled yours yet, you’ll need to contact Michelle quickly…deadline to book is June 23rd. (website here). Also looking forward to working with everyone who set up individual sessions with me here in Austin. 😉

Hmmmm…is it me or do I look *really* tired in that pic up there? Yeah. I look tired. But it was worth it. (Thanks, Katie, for snapping these pics of us at the end!)

  • Michele….my girls said that “YOU” look soooo pretty:) They asked if your hair “grew”:) And yeah…ummm. the picture on the right…was supposed to be trashed..lo!!! Cannot wait to see you! I am gonna have my house cleaned for you:)

  • Hey…I didn’t do too bad, did I? 😉
    P.S. Girls, I was sad ALL weekend. 🙁