Sep 16, 2013


While I was getting my hair done the other day, my hairdresser and good friend Katie mentioned the new “tinsel” in my hair. It took me a minute to figure out what she was talking about, but then I giggled and smiled and told her, “You know, I’m grateful for that tinsel. It means I am lucky enough to be getting older.”

A year ago today, I turned 34. I honestly wasn’t that excited about it. I mean, we all know that once you get past a certain age, each birthday becomes like this dreaded countdown to the next “oh, man, I’m getting so ooooooold” milestone. But in one short year, I learned some pretty invaluable lessons, the biggest of which is that each birthday I get to celebrate, each year I get to spend with my family, each new strand of tinsel in my hair is a gift. I am grateful for those gifts. And I will never ever complain again about privilege of getting older.

(A million Thank You’s to two of my most wonderful friends how drove in to spend this birthday with me 😉 – Minnette and Leah. This time together meant more than you might ever, ever know. Love you girls!)