
In the Spring of 2014, just a day before we reached a rather non-celebratory milestone (a year since the passing of my husband’s brother), I became an aunt…a real, honest-to-goodness aunt…when my one and only sister delivered identical twin girls at 31 weeks (and some change) gestation. At roughly 3 lbs each, they were sooooo tiny, and they were of course, immediately whisked away to the NICU where they would spend the next 5 weeks growing and learning to survive outside of the womb. I look at photos of them back during that time and I squint and I try to find some sort of recognition, but to me, they are not the same little people that I have come to know over the past year (and four months). I never understood this kind of love before, but I love these girls, as if they were my own, but in such a unique and special way. I can love them like I’m a grandparent…I can adore them and fuss over them and spoil them and see only their perfection…and I don’t have to do any of the rearing, the disciplining, the tough work required as a parent. I love being a mommy, make no mistake about that. But I am thrilled to be Aunt Poppy to these two vibrant, joyful little girls.(#auntpoppysnieces – also lovingly referred to as “The Bambinas” in our household ;-).



So, when it came time for their One Year Birthday Celebration, I didn’t hesitate one bit when my sister asked me if I would host their birthday party. I was only too eager to get to celebrate in magnificent style and mark this momentous occasion with flair! Taking inspiration from my sister’s Mickey Mouse Clubhouse-themed Pinterest board (that’s what the girls were into at the time–they have since moved on to Yo Gabba Gabba, because this *was* four months ago, you know? And I am happily going to take them to a live show when they ever come back to town), we put together a colorful, joyful, fun party and I even think the girls enjoyed it!



Deliciousness on a platter from Nothing Bundt Cakes in the Austin Arboretum area. We have gotten bundtinis from there to mark each important milestone for the babies (at my sister’s baby shower, the day she reached 28 weeks gestation, the day they were born) and it was only fitting that we would have them at their First Birthday and will continue to have them each year after ;-). The candles were a wee bit tricky for their smash cakes, but at about 11pm the night before the party, I finally got it figured out.



My sister looks so happy up there making her little mouse cheeses!





Nearly 11 years ago, I saved and saved and saved to afford this little Fisher-Price house for my first son’s first birthday. That house was loved and passed along to my middle son and then to my daughter. But of course, they outgrew it and so I gave it away years ago. But, I knew I would HAVE to find one for the girls. It’s out of production, so it’s tough to come by. One day, I was shocked to see one at a children’s retail shop. SOOOOO excited to find it and after a bit of cleaning up and a new set of batteries, we were good to go. I *still* remembered the tunes and sounds that house plays. Jen: you cannot ever get rid of this, okay? When the girls finally give it up, let’s store it away to pass along to our grandkids. Deal?



Um, nothing cuter than those toes right there!


Cake time. Notice the different approaches.


See? Verrrrrry different.

“Ma’am…more cake, please?”





My middle son wanted to make a birthday card for the girls. The note he wrote (all on his own) had me in tears. He was so proud to read it to them at the party. I will add that the one thing I never anticipated was how much my own kids would ADORE their cousins. From the very beginning…remember this?


Hmmm…seeing that image makes me think we should try to recreate it…somehow.

Anyway, this long trip down memory lane has been wonderful for me and it sure makes me miss those sweet little girls. Good thing they don’t live too far away so I can pop in for fix whenever I need to. I am so grateful they are a part of our family and that they are healthy and happy and have brought boundless joy and love to us (and at a time when we really, really, really needed it). Aunt Poppy loves you, Bambinas, and I promise I will always be there for you (especially when you are teenagers and you need to vent to me about your mommy…oh, have I got some stories to tell you!).