Posts Tagged 'austin senior pictures'

Each of these families will receive a FREE Pinkle Toes photo session! Congrats to these families and thank you to everyone who participated and voted. I love looking at how these come together year after year. (In no particular order, these are the winners from the popular vote, judge’s choice, and random drawing).


(Poll not displaying properly? Try THIS link.)


These (view larger) are the TOP 12 finalists in the running for Pinkle’s 4th Annual Pic of the Year! This gallery consists of the top 4 from the popular vote, 4 selected by a panel of professional photographers, and 4 new surprise images from 2012 selected by me.  Each of these 12 finalists will receive a $100 gift card toward a full Pinkle Toes session in 2013, but now, we have to determine our winners. You can vote for your favorite(s) from now until midnight central time on Feb 13th. On Feb 14th, we will announce THREE winners:

  • The winner of the popular vote from this online poll
  • A winner chosen by me
  • And…one winner chosen at random!!!
Each of these three winners will receive the title of Pinkle’s Pic of the Year 2012 and a FREE family session this year!!! (some restrictions apply)
 The fine print:
While you can vote for more than one image at a time, you will only be able to vote once…period–not once per day…just once. Only voting via this online poll counts toward the vote. Anyone caught tampering with the contest or violating the rules will be immediately disqualified. Pinkle Toes Photography reserves the right to modify the contest or prizes as necessary. No purchase necessary to win. While “likes” and comments on Facebook are nice, they do NOT count toward the final vote. 

It was several years ago when I first began working with these guys…getting to old to remember when, but I know mr. man with the glasses up there was only about 4-5 months old. I will always remember that session…how amazing his big brother and sister were with him. There were just three kiddos back then. Hmmmm…I only had two kids back then…

And when we met up last year, one more baby had been added to the broode. A family of 6.

But then…I got an e-mail earlier this year and surprise! Another baby girl had decided to join the fam! And so this fall, they were a family of 7. It was wonderful to get to see them all and to tour their new home (they designed themselves). She is probably one of the most organized, patient mommies that I know and the house radiates equal parts energy and love. I didn’t want to leave that night. So fun to be part of all the activity there.

{Fav image from this session HERE}

I was just a teensy bit nervous that #1 her mommy is an excellent photographer and #2 they flew in from Minnesota for this session. Uhhh…no pressure, Michele.

But, this is definitely going to go down as one of those sessions where everything just floated along perfectly and she could do no wrong. There was such a cool vibe with the session and so much joy and excitement shared between mother/daughter for this trip together to Austin, for this monumental milestone of her upcoming graduation, for the fact we were celebrating all of these things with a timeless photo shoot. They totally inspired me to do this for my own kiddos when they reach this point. I think it would be amazing to take a weekend trip one-on-one with each child and have pictures taken where they chose.

K…you are a remarkable, confident, beautiful, glowing young woman…incredibly self-assured and completely comfortable in your own skin. Never, ever lose that. It is going to serve you well when you venture off to college and beyond.

Aug 13, 2012

If you are going to be a high school senior and in the graduating class of 2013 in Austin, Texas or the surrounding area, you might want to drop a line below…I’m offering you something a little different in the way senior portraits can be created…

I was totally honored and thrilled when Spanki asked me to come be a guest speaker at her Austin workshop in May. I’ve “known” Spanki online for about a year and we don’t live that far apart, but we’ve never had a chance to meet. What a fantastic afternoon!!!! My only regrets were that #1 it was TOO hot and #2 it was TOO short. I was sad I couldn’t stay longer and hang with the girls…we were having so much fun shooting in downtown Austin. 
Spanki…it was awesome to finally meet you and you are just as beautiful and warm and energetic in person as you are online. I truly hope we can work together again in the future, my dear!


Just a tad. It’s kind of fun to see the feature in this issue of CHIC Magazine, but even cooler to be among so many other incredible photographers and tons of photog eye-candy! Although, reading through my own Day in the Life, I may have given myself a headache 😉


She is very much herself. She expresses her artistic side through her outfits and accessories. I imaging she was a lot of fun growing up, mom ;-).
Now she’s getting ready to graduate high school and start a new chapter in life. It makes me equally happy and melancholy for both her and her mom. I remember how incredibly exciting this time in my own life was, but I also can’t begin to fathom getting to this point with my own children.
We managed to find a LOT of color in the most unlikely places this evening. Tired of going to the same places, I decided we should explore an area I hadn’t been to in years. It was fun to see it through fresh eyes!


On this day, we were fortunate that…
1. we were even able to find a parking space
2. we had live music to accompany our session (see #1)
3. the light was perfect
4. the wind didn’t carry us away and
5. her mommy was there to help with the bubbles
6. this girlie can do cool tricks
7. we could celebrate her senior year with a fantastic photo session!


I adore the fact that she brought along some of her record collection for her senior portraits. I adore the fact that she even *has* a record collection…and some great tunes, too! And goodness, she is a lovely girl! Just radiant and confident!