
Since I first met Bev three years ago (and under the most stressful of circumstances), her world has changed just a little bit…and I would say for the better. I am so very impressed with how she took charge of her birth experience with this little chunky monkey and fought for what she knew she could do and searched and searched to find a doctor who believed in her just as much as she believed in herself. I hope she will get around to sharing her story someday online because it is truly inspirational and I am just in awe of what she did. Even during baby E’s newborn session, she kept exclaiming, “I can’t believe this baby came out of me!!!” I agree. I can’t believe it either. She is soooooo petite and he is sooooo…well, er…well nourished. He has the best personality already and truly captivates everyone who dares to lock eyes with him.  It was something else to watch how his big brother took such care of him. (Speaking of big brother: wow, he’s changed a tad since I saw him last).  More favs I couldn’t fit in this post HERE, HERE, and HERE. 😉

P.S. I am choosing to blame my clients/friends for my serious Kendra Scott addiction. That’s what I tell my husband, anyway.