Apr 17, 2010


One night in Maui, my husband and I were sitting on the beach, preparing to watch another beautiful Hawaiian sunset. There was a photographer down the way photographing a lovely family of 4 all dressed in white (gasp! But it actually looked great). I had my camera by my side and I had snapped a few pics here and there, but I was totally uninspired. I was aching to photograph people…gosh, wouldn’t a couple be so lovely in this amazing light?!

Lo and behold, there was a couple sitting near us. They were so cute and so in love and just having a great time. So, photographer geek that I am, I walked up to them and asked if they’d like me to take their picture. I can’t believe they agreed! They must have thought I was some strange goofball tourist. But sometimes, you just have to go for it and I’m so glad we did!


  • what a cool thing to do! Did you send them the pictures?

  • wow Talk about right place at the right time!! “Hey…I am one of the best photographers in America…mind if I take some perfect pictures of you in this perfect place?”
    Beautiful! I love the second to the last one…where you can see her hair blowing with the swirl that I imagine they are doing 🙂

  • amazing light and color M!!!

  • a random score! love them!!

  • Gorgeous! Inspirational for me 🙂 I am shooting a couple soon for my portfolio for class. Such great ideas

  • Lucky people! After they see your pictures I’m sure they’ll be so glad they indulged that crazy tourist!!!

  • Those are some great shots! Great job!

  • Polo beach? Mmmmmmmm beautiful light. I think I can taste the salt in the air.

  • These are some of the coolest pictures I’ve seen in a long time. Not merely because they are amazing and passionate and full of life (and on a beach with a beautiful sunset!!!), but because of the story you have to tell along with them. I mean, really, how many times in life do you find such perfect subjects, with such gorgeous color and lighting, in such a perfect place?? These are the kind of pictures dreams are made of…

  • Oh how I wished this were me!!!! What I would give for you to do this for my hubby and me!!!!! Too bad I live so far away. Am totally loving PT4P!!!!!

  • Susan Ferandin

    Yeah, its like- Hi, my name is Steven Spielberg and with this amazing light- can I videotape your family interacting? Would you mind?
    Lucky couple- what an amazing gift! You rock, Michele!

  • I love them! That’s the kind of photographer that I am too, if I see somebody in need of a photo, I beg them to let me capture it. You did SUCH an amazing job though. I’m in awe.

  • definitely a lucky couple!! I would never be that lucky:) That *is* some stunning light!!

  • Those lucky dogs! What are the odds, the funny thing is in the “photography world” you are famous, they had NO idea! LOL! So, I want the rest of the story, did you exchange email addresses? Will they ever get to enjoy these like we all have? Give us more!! 🙂

  • Wow..Absolutely beautiful.